御神乐学园组曲的剧情介绍,一宫绘留奈在国中时期过着单纯的御宅生活。在亲人与表哥二宫时雨的说服下开始挑选想要就读的高中,挑选条件毫无疑问是“可爱的制服”。最终挑选的结果是私立御神乐学园,虽然原本因为“二宫就读”而在最初就剔除,不过一宫在招生指南上看到御神乐星锁穿着制服的模样后马上就回心转意。不过,开学当天对今后生活心情激动的一宫,却在新生欢迎会上见到学长姐们暴走的身影。而且,这所学校里存在着“一个月内未参加任何社团活动的人将被强制退学”这样的校规。一宫能在学园中度过理想中的校园生活吗?by:<a href="https://www.douban.com/link2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yakubd.cc&link2key=a48a954193" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.yakubd.cc</a>
An anime based on a novel based on a Vocaloid-based song. Catch all that? Mikagura High School is a boarding school where each student must join an activity club upon enrollment, and then battle it out with other club reps using their own unique abilities. Naive freshman Eruna Ichinomiya enters Mikagura High School with dreams of beauty and fun, but soon becomes the representative of a club, and is immediately thrown into the fray. However, Eruna soon finds out that in the culture clubs, there is one cardinal rule ... and she's going to have to learn it the hard way.