如果和父亲一起生活的剧情介绍,1945年8月6日上午8点15分,原子弹在广岛引爆,从此改变了很多人的一生。 <br /> 在图书馆工作的美津江(宫泽理惠 饰)曾亲历原爆,她的亲人们在这场灾难中丧生,而她的心中也留下永远无法愈合的伤痕。美津江与父亲竹造(原田芳雄 饰)居住在一起,每日的生活平实简单。 <br /> 某天,搜集、研究原爆资料的青年木下(浅野忠信 饰)来到图书馆,他对美津江颇有好感,美津江虽也为这个青年所吸引,却因战争的创伤无法放开心怀接受爱情。经常与女儿谈心的竹造以“恋爱后援团”团长的身份出现,鼓励美津江拥抱一生的幸福…… <br /> 黑木和雄“战争镇魂歌三部曲”完结篇。
Based on a play by Hisashi Inoue, it focuses on the sufferings of the survivors of Hiroshima. The film takes place during 4 days in the summer of 1948, as the ghost of her father visits Mitsué (Rié Miyama). He had somehow learned that she has fallen in love, and tries to convince her to start her new life. But Mitsué obstinately refuses his warm and humorous encouragements : « People were killed in my place. I do not have the right to find happiness », she says.