神女的剧情介绍,上海1930年代,贫苦女人(阮玲玉)为养活儿子沦为暗娼,并不幸被一流氓看中霸占,她几次试图逃脱流氓的控制,均告失败,儿子到了入学的年龄,她不想因为没钱使儿子失去受教育的机会,便继续拿身体挣钱,为此,她要瞒着流氓从有限的收入里偷偷取出一些攒下。 <br /> 她的身份被儿子同学的家长得知,众人联合向校方施压,要“妓女的孩子”滚出校园,以免败坏学风,校长通过家访,晓得了女人的艰辛,决定让她的儿子继续在学校读书,可是一人的力量太单薄,学校董事会仍决定将其开除,女人为使孩子能继续念书,去拿积攒下的血汗钱准备远走他乡,不想她的钱已被流氓偷去赌博输光……
An unnamed devoted mother sells herself by night on the streets of Shanghai in order to support herself and her infant son. When a gambler who calls himself "the Boss" strong-arms his way into becoming her pimp, she flees with her son and attempts to earn an honest living, but the Boss tracks her down and forces her back into prostitution. When her son reaches school age, she begins hiding away enough money to pay his tuition. Although her son is ostracized by other kids due to her profession, she takes great joy in providing an education and a potential better future for him. When the other parents want the boy expelled, a kindly principal fights to keep him in school. Meanwhile, the Boss finds her hidden cash, adding financial woes to the problems of social injustice.