Outside a movie premiere, enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the swashbuckling hero of the silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: "Who's That Girl?" and Peppy is inspired to audition for a dancing bit-part at the studio. However as Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin's world upside-down.
《艺术家》:无言的邂逅和重逢。声影传奇。On "The Artist"。一个有声片明星的诞生。喷也没喷到点子上,赞也没赞到点子上,你们到底看的是甚麽呀?。《艺术家》:默片艺术的复苏。此时无声胜有声---记一部21世纪的默片。艺术家?大明星?。经典的黑白影片。艺术家。