雾码头的剧情介绍,让(让•迦本 Jean Gabin 饰)在战争后成为了一个落魄的逃兵。在大雾弥漫的夜晚他搭上了一辆顺风车,并救下了一只小狗,小狗跟着他来到了这座海滨小城。小城的码头上终日雾气弥漫,天空市集尽显压抑之色。让在这里遇到了美丽的奈丽(米歇尔•摩根 Michèle Mo rgan 饰),两人逐渐相爱,而让却不得不面对自己颠沛流离的逃亡命运。奈丽的监护人扎贝尔杀死了她的前男友莫里斯,奈丽不堪忍受他的占有欲和管教离家出走。让在一次与奈丽的相会中惹上了当地的黑社会分子路西恩(Pierre Brasseur 饰),路西恩觊觎奈丽的美色,一直在追寻莫里斯的下落。正在奈丽回家后面对扎贝尔疯狂侵犯的危急关头,让及时出现打死了这个卑鄙的商人。两人一同走在雾码头的街道上,面对分别的时刻,路西恩却开枪射杀了让……
Life's a rotten business, says Jean, a deserter who arrives at night in Le Havre, looking to leave the country. He lucks into civilian clothes, a little bit of money, a passport, and a dog, and he also meets Nelly, a 17-year-old who's grown up too fast. She's the object of lust of men: including a boyfriend Maurice, her putative protector Zabel, and Lucien, a local hood. Jean falls for her, faces down Lucien, and gives her courage to stand on her own feet. A ship is leaving for Venezuela; can at least one of them be on it, or is that just a dream?
《雾码头》的好编剧。《雾码头》电影剧本。“让全世界的女人都穿黑色”。剧情备忘。[Film Review] Port of Shadows (1938) and Daybreak (1939)。电影札记。有点《精疲力尽》。夜航船----浅析《雾码头》的雾与岸的含义。早上,他不承认昨晚对她说过爱她。。雾码头。