Mayhem tells the story of a virus that infects a corporate law office on the day attorney Derek Cho (Yeun) is framed by a co-worker and wrongfully fired. The infection is capable of making people act out their wildest impulses. Trapped in the quarantined building, our hero is forced to savagely fight tooth and nail for not only his job but his life.
大刀,向上司头上砍去。血腥程度一点不含糊,这出办公室大逃杀猛片一不小心就要你高潮。《大骚乱》比《贝尔科实验室》强在哪?。好一部骚气满满的血浆片!病毒感染,员工自相残杀...。现实和意淫交错,还是意淫多一点。。。。谁又会想带上面具去掩饰倦容。优秀的棒米花片。燃爆你的强心脏。为什么看起来很爽?。底层阶级的8小时泄愤 : 我特么只想拿回属于我的杯子!。