魔鬼旅的剧情介绍,这支特种部队在二战历史上只是昙花一现,虽然绽放只在刹那,却是那么鲜艳。其深远意义直接影响到战后美军特种部队的发展。岁月流淌,当人们乐此不疲地去揭秘一支支二战特种部队时,却鲜有人将沉睡的“魔鬼”从厚重的 历史中唤醒…… <br /> 二战后期,美国陆军上校费雷德里克组建了一支美国与加拿大联合作战旅。这支部队并非人们容易想到的是一支军方部队,而是一支敌后游击部队。
During World War II, a special fighting unit is formed that combines a crack Canadian Army unit and a conglomeration of U.S. Army misfits who had previously served time in military jails. After an initial period of conflict between the two groups, their enmity turns to respect and friendship, and the unit is sent Italy to attempt a dangerous mission that has heretofore been considered impossible to carry out.