BBC 地平线系列: 看星的剧情介绍,
Horizon follows the astronomers pushing the limits of science and engineering with a new generation of super-telescopes in the hunt for mysterious objects in the universe. Covering not only the spectrum of visible and invisible light, but also the spectrum of telescopes from deep space, aircraft based telescope, high altitude land based, right down to sub-aquatic .
基本就是介紹天文學家為了看清楚天體需要經過的種種磨難。NASA那個新的James Webb空間望遠鏡計劃在經濟這麽蕭條的狀態下會在2018之前被喀嚓掉嗎.
作为一个天体物理新入门研究者 看完很有动力在公众号上一篇科普文!