宇宙追缉令 The One (2001) 救世主 字幕

宇宙追缉令 2001

发布时间:2018-04-22 来源:本站编辑
The One
最后一强(港) / 救世主(台) / 平行歼灭战
李连杰/杰森·斯坦森/卡拉·古奇诺/德尔罗伊·林多/詹姆斯·莫里森/丹兰·布鲁诺/理查德·斯特恩梅茨/史蒂夫·兰金/塔克·斯莫尔伍德/哈里特·桑塞姆·哈里斯/David Keats/迪恩·诺里斯/Ron Zimmerman/达林·摩根/Mark Borchardt/乔尔·斯托弗/Ashlyn Gere/丹尼·皮尔斯/布兹·萨瑟兰德/高圣远/Ken Kerman/爱德华多·詹姆斯·盖奇/艾伦·D·柏温/马特伯尔曼/乔治·W· 布什/阿尔·戈尔/Karl J. Martin/道格·萨文特/迈克尔·塞尔切基

◎导演◎ 黄毅瑜 James Wong

◎编剧◎ Glen Morgan/黄毅瑜 James Wong

◎主演◎ 李连杰 / Carla Gugino / Delroy Lindo / Jason Statham / James Morrison

宇宙追缉令的剧情介绍,有一个这样的理论:宇宙中存在多个平行世界,而且每个平行世界里都有一个你存在,而且所有平行世界里面的自己会分摊整个宇宙中你所具备的能量。所以,只要平行世界中的你都消失了,那所有的能量将汇聚到最后的一个人身上。正是为了这个目的,夺取所有人的能量,在遥远的未来,名叫基比(李连杰 饰)的杀手穿越时空杀掉了123个平行世界中的自己,获得了超能力。而这时,世界中只剩下自己和另外一个平行世界中名叫盖伯瑞(李连杰 饰)的自己。而身处和平世界中的盖伯瑞,完全没有意识到大难临头。只是在突然的一天,发现自己速度极快、力大无穷,而且有一个和他一模一样的人在到处犯罪,作为警察的自己,必须挺身而出,阻止犯罪的同时也为了拯救自己。

There is not one universe, but there are many, which is a multiverse. Supposing you are just one person, there are many other versions of you in the other universes, there are ways to travel, but only a police agency, MVA, can travel only for police procedures. Gabriel Yulaw is a former MVA agent, who killed another version of himself in self-defense. It made the other versions of him stronger. When Yulaw found out about this, he became power-hungry killing the 122 other versions for two years. After killing Lawless and getting captured by his former partner Roedecker and a new MVA agent Funsch, Yulaw managed to escape the prison and is trying to kill his last target, Gabe Law who is a police officer. He is also at Yulaw's strength. Roedecker and Funsch now have to arrest Yulaw before he can kill Gabe. There is a possibility that the universe could die or make Yulaw invincible. After encountering Yulaw for the first time, Gabe thought that it was his split personality, but it wasn't. Will Gabe be able to confront Yulaw before or after Yulaw ruins his life?

一帮装逼贩子。我只是来感叹一下杰森和李连杰的。杀死自己。救世主:本色的李连杰。善与恶,谁将主宰世界?。惜乎哀哉~。李连杰的刚猛和杰森的稚嫩和那个年代的好特效。there will be only one。小评《救世主》。傻名字害死人啊。

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