副总统 第六季的剧情介绍,为HBO获奖无数的喜剧《副总统》第六季确定在美国时间4月16日首播。该剧第六季最值得期待的就是,继上一季季终集,我们的“副总统”赛琳娜在经历了重大的身份转变后,第六季将第一次成为无关“总统”无关政治的一季。而整个剧情也会朝着新的方向发展,而不再局限于白宫和华盛顿。
It's one year since the house vote and Selina is writing a book (slowly) and on the speaking circuit. Amy is spearheading a campaign in ne-va-dah and Dan's trying his hand at presenting. Meanwhile a post cancer Jonah is working with Kent to push his place in the house.
来来来,跟着剧组学骂人!(生肉听译,欢迎指正)。Veeple的观剧感想(剧透慎读)。第十集的后半段跟做梦一样。好看!好笑!。《副总统 Veep S6》简评。你永远不知道当个女总统有多难。一个关于本季的设想。