美少女战士Sailor Stars的剧情介绍,
The first portion of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars finishes off the "Sailor Moon Super S" series. The second deals with villain Sailor Galaxia, who wants to find powerful star seeds in people which will enable her to reign chaos over the entire galaxy. To find them, she sends out the Anima Mates Iron Mouse, Aluminum Siren, Lead Crow and Tin Nyanko. Meanwhile, the Sailor Senshi meet three teenagers who are musical idols. Unbeknowst to them, these teenagers are actually the Sailor Stars, warriors in search of the Princess of their planet which was destroyed. This is the final series in the "Sailor Moon" trilogy.
你是我心上一道光芒。行行复行行 与君生别离。纯吐槽东映的改编剧情。美少女战士系列~。为星野心痛,但他注定无法和小兔在一起。再看《美少女战士之最后星光》有感。星月的残念。关于梦想与正义。我也来写个剧评吧。用愛情角度看美少女戰士。
黑暗女王复活篇 阿兔她们已经升上高中了,阿兔、亚美、真琴、美奈子同考入十番高中。被封印在镜中的死亡月亮纳美妮亚女王,被一把神秘的声音唤醒,那人替她解除封印,并煽动她的仇恨情绪,使她对美少女战士作出报复。她派出镜之舞孃袭击战士们,并藉流星雨把镜之碎片植入阿卫的身体内,慢慢控制阿卫。为了应付此一危机,雪奈复活并从土萌教授那里接回阿萤,去找阿遥和美智留,再次加入战斗。镜之舞孃袭击外部战士四人,仍是婴儿的阿萤被激发出力量,帮助其餘三位外部战士变成为SuperSailorUranus、SuperSailorNeptune和SuperSailorPluto。阿萤经此一役,身体和心智迅速成长,并再度醒觉,成为SuperSailorSaturn。所有美少女战士齐集,集合力量使阿兔变成终极形态Eternal Sailormoon。眾人担心阿卫,赶到他家时,他已被纳美妮...
相比地场卫......明明星野比较好啊 TAT