天龙特攻队的剧情介绍,“汉尼拔”约翰·史密斯(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)、坦普莱顿·派克(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)、莫多克(沙尔托·科普雷 Sharlto Copley 饰)和“水牛”巴拉克斯(昆顿·杰克逊 Quinton Jackson 饰)曾经是美军游骑兵成员,四人在与墨西哥恶徒交火中相遇,并由此成立靠赏金为生的天龙特工队。在成军8年后,天龙特工队接到新的任务。据说伊拉克战争期间有隶属美国的黑军抢夺伊方印钞机,并用它大量生产伪造美钞。史密斯等人的任务就是在伪钞和设备运回美国之前将其夺回。然而事态却朝着无法预料的方向发展,史密斯的上司更死于离奇的意外。在此之后,天龙特工队被军事法庭判刑。此后不久,史密斯和成员相继越狱,势要将黑军的败类绳之于法…… <br /> 本片根据美国20世纪80年代的同名电视剧集改编。
Four American soldiers who are in Iraq are sent on a mission to recover plates for printing 100 dollar bills that were used to print a billion dollars. After doing the job and returning to the base their commanding officer is killed in an explosion and the plates are stolen by another operative. They would be court martialed and sent to different prisons. 6 months later, the leader, Hannibal Smith is visited by a CIA spook who tells him he knows where the man who took the plates is and wants him and his men to recover it. So he helps him escape and he breaks out the others and they go after the plates. But after doing it, they discover that the spook might not be ok. And a military intelligence officer who was involved with one of them is pursuing them.
年度最佳动作片。不是影评.。与童年回忆的比较。。天龙特工队。很轻松很娱乐很可爱。《The A-Team》好看!。很好。喜欢。动作片的尴尬境地 ——Comments on the picture‘The A-Team’。太好玩太刺激了。
虽然故事很无趣,属于不用动脑子的电影,但人物够鲜明就可以了。 久违了的大场面动作电影,而且很有创意。
牛逼,2小时无冷场,插科打诨与动作场面布置得恰到好处。跟Bourne系列学了不少精巧的伎俩,部分桥段有些似曾相识。Sharlto Copley饰演的哮狼,神经质和变态程度不逊于经典TV版。伞降坦克轰飞机,他娘的好扯淡啊,哈哈哈。
1.港版翻译不笑岔气都不可能 2.欢乐地看完全片后又在心底为Bradley Cooper的动作喜剧路线隐隐担忧快转型吧帅哥 3.最后 还是辛德勒最有魅力呀!