不设限通缉的剧情介绍,故事发生在六十年代末期,安妮(克里斯汀·拉蒂 Christine Lahti 饰)和亚瑟(贾德·赫希 Judd Hirsch 饰)是反对越战的激进分子,为了坚持他们的主张,两人表现出了很多过激行为,最终,他们因为在政府实验室里放置炸弹而遭到了当局的通缉和追捕,从此,安妮和亚瑟过起了东躲西藏的流离生活。 <br /> 丹尼(瑞弗·菲尼克斯 River Phoenix 饰)是安妮和亚瑟的长子,某日,他邂逅了名为罗娜(玛莎·普林顿 Martha Plimpton 饰)的女孩,罗娜的聪慧和机敏令她周身散发着不可抵挡的吸引力,很快,丹尼就坠入了爱河。罗娜的存在让丹尼对居无定所的日子产生了厌倦,他希望能够安定下来,有一个真正的“家”,可是,对于他的父母来说,这个简单的愿望有可能会导致无法挽回的悲剧。
The Popes are a family who haven't been able to use their real identity for years. In the late sixties, the parents set a weapons lab afire in an effort to hinder the government's Vietnam war campaign. Ever since then, the Popes have been on the run with the authorities never far behind. Today, their eldest son wants a life of his own although he is aware that would mean that his parents would either get caught or he will never see them again.
贝多芬的革命挽歌。放手,为了曾有的青春。道路 轮回。River Phoenix。我爱的River凤凰。Run to the rescue with love,and peace will follow.。钢琴少年。这样的天才,永远定格在了23岁。。Running on Empty (1988) 7.5/10。如果你缺爱。