魔术快斗的剧情介绍,白色斗篷、高礼帽,单片夹鼻眼镜。出现在午夜的高楼,留下拿走宝石的通知函。这是我们熟知的怪盗基德。在《名侦探柯南》里,他是不亚于工藤新一和江户川柯南的明星人物。而他的真实身份则是高中生黑羽快斗(山口胜平 配音),为了调查父亲的失踪事件,扮起了父亲之前扮演的角色——怪盗基德,希望引出神秘组织的出现,进而调查出事情的真相。 <br /> 《魔术快斗》首次连载在《少年SUNDAY》上是1987年,中途停载了数次,至今仍未完结。号称杂志上连载时间最长的漫画。由于怪盗基德经常性在柯南里客串,以至于很多人都误认为这是柯南的原创人物,其实基德有其正篇漫画,从其诞生时间来看,他比柯南更早出现,漫画里则有很多奇幻因素,而基德的性格也有所不同。
Kaito Kuroba, a normal teenage high school student, stumbles across the secret of his father's death: his father was not only a magician, but the famous phantom thief Kaitou Kid, and was killed by an organization for reasons unknown. Taking up his father's mantle in an attempt to bait the killers, Kaito performs a number of thefts and eventually learns that his father died for interfering in the organization's quest to find the Pandora Gem. Pandora is said to glow in the light of the moon, and beneath the moon and a certain comet, will shed a tear granting immortality to whomever drinks it. Kaito then decides to search for Pandora as Kaitou Kid and destroy it, in order to prevent the organization from obtaining their goals.