GO HOME〜警视厅身份不明者咨询室〜的剧情介绍,本剧以讲述了自报志愿被分配到朴素且无人问津的警视厅身份不明者咨询室的怪人三田樱,和比她大10岁的同期生月本真,两人性格和兴趣完全相反。明朗天真烂漫的樱,冷静沉着的真,虽然一见面就互相埋怨,但无论如何都想让更多的身份不明者回到家人身边,凭借遗体上留下的一点点线索解开谜团的人性推理故事。
Sakura Mita (Fuka Koshiba) is considered to be weird by her colleagues at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, because she voluntarily works in the unidentified bodies department. About 20,000 unidentified bodies exist in the country and Sakura Mita works on returning these unknown deceased people to their families. She has a colleague, Makoto Tsukimoto, who works in the same department. They are totally opposite in terms of their personalities and interests. Sakura Mita is bright and warm-hearted, but Makoto Tsukimoto is calm and cold-hearted. They do share the same desire to return these unidentified bodies to their families. To find the identities of these deceased people, they rely on the few clues that are left behind on them.
土9 单元风 以及从来没看过电视台pr把ネタバレ写得那么详细的😂
第一集好无聊 不追了
第一集好普通 看看小芝风花