魔法禁书目录 剧场版 恩底弥翁的奇迹的剧情介绍,三年前太空飞船猎户号坠毁学园都市,由此引发了严重的惨剧,而该事件也促成宇宙电梯恩底弥翁(Endymion)的建设。在恩底弥翁接近完工的前夕,上条当麻(阿部敦 配音)和茵蒂克丝(井口裕香 配音)揭示了热爱歌唱的少女鸣护亚丽莎。心怀梦想的亚丽莎经过不断的修业和努力,终于得到了试镜的机会,并有可能在恩底弥翁落成的庆祝活动中演唱。这一晚,当麻、茵蒂克丝和亚丽莎在夜归途中遭到史提尔率领的魔法师们的攻击。而学园都市秩序维持部队的介入,无疑标志着魔法侧和科学侧全面战争即将爆发。亚丽莎的体内究竟隐藏着怎样的力量和秘密…… <br /> 本片根据镰池和马(创作)、灰村清孝(插画)的轻小说改编。
On the day Touma Kamijou and Index see Academy City's space elevator, Endymion in the distance, they meet a Level 0 girl with an amazing singing voice, Arisa Meigo. As the three enjoy their time together after school, magic-user Stiyl Magnus suddenly attacks them. His target: Arisa. Why would a girl from the science side be targeted by someone from the magic side, Touma wonders. In the chaos of Stiyl's attack, he tells Touma, Index and Arisa that she might cause a war between the magic side and the science side.
我是来剧透的。谁规定动画剧场版的时长必须是90分钟的。很不错。魔禁终于讲出了一个完整的故事。文化差异 没看过原著。