In 2017, Detective Jin Saeki (Ryo Narita) works as a detective and he holds a strong sense of justice. He rushes over to a house after receiving a call. There, he discovers the skeletons of 13 boys and guys who died of starvation and a mysterious mark. The suspect of the case is the homeowner Juzo Haikawa (Fumiyo Kohinata), but his whereabouts are unknown. Around this time, Kanon Hasumi (Ai Yoshikawa) appears. She was abandoned by her own parents and was taken in by Juzo Haikawa. She lived with him until 6 years ago. Kanon Hasumi admires Juzo Haikawa like he was her father and she insists that he is innocent. Detective Jin Saeki and Kanon Hasumi chase after the truth of the case. In 2024, in a hideout for young runaways, a girl suddenly disappears. The mysterious mark also reappears.
[漫画更新至57话]原作漫画时间线梳理,全是剧透,慎点。不懂就问 日本警方执法不带记录仪吗。[漫画更新至58话]原作漫画时间线梳理(另起炉灶~)。这剧看到最后笑出了声。亲爱的小孩,今天有没有哭。让原作者满意的实写化。原生家庭成了原罪。一群深井冰乱炖。。