September 1914, news reaches the colony German Eastern Africa that Germany is at war, so Reverend Samuel Sayer became a hostile foreigner. German imperial troops burn down his mission; he is beaten and dies of fever. His well-educated, snobbish sister Rose Sayer buries him and leaves by the only available transport, the dilapidated river steamboat 'African Queen' of grumpy Charlie Allnut. As if a long difficult journey without any comfort weren't bad enough for such odd companions, she is determined to find a way to do their bit for the British war effort (and avenge her brother) and aims high, as God is obviously on their side: construct their own equipment, a torpedo and the converted steamboat, to take out a huge German warship, the Louisa, which is hard to find on the giant lake and first of all to reach, in fact as daunting an expedition as anyone attempted since the late adventurous explorer John Speakes, but she presses till Charlie accepts to steam up the Ulana, about to brave a German fort, raging rapids, very bloodthirsty parasites and the endlessly branching stream which seems to go nowhere but impenetrable swamps... Despite fierce rows and moral antagonism between a bossy devout abstentionist and a free-spirited libertine drunk loner, the two grow closer to each-other as their quest drags on...
《非洲女王号》:凡人男女创世纪。泡妞教程——带上个女人去漂流吧。Hepburn负责淑女,Bogart负责搞笑。《非洲女皇号》电影剧本。一条船,一个家。最完美的冒险电影!。无论如何,至少骄傲面对生活。《The African Queen[非洲女王号]》。老派佳作。学经营男女系必看。
重温《非洲女王号》,就一男一女一条船,John Huston也拍得这么好看,故事跌宕有力,人的个性拍得透彻,亦没有一片风景是脱离剧情。凯瑟琳·赫本演技惊人。当然还有鲍嘉。
两颗巨星大碰撞,AFI百年影星男演员女演员分别的头位,Humphrey Bogart + Katharine Hepburn,当然还有非洲!