惊天12小时的剧情介绍,8月8日新加坡25周年国庆之际,国际知名的达卡喇嘛访新,日本赤军方面则计划暗杀达卡。香港国际刑警雷泰(谭咏麟 饰)奉命卫护达卡,将赤军领导北岛三郎支部歼灭。在达卡所乘坐飞往新加坡的客机上,黑道人物大B(刘德华 饰)与女友阿玲(罗美薇 饰)偶然结识达卡,达卡推算出自己与阿玲八字相同,他们的命运面临同样的一次挑战。飞机刚一降落,机场的赤军份子突袭达卡,将达卡和阿玲打伤,而这两人的血型居然都是罕见的P型血,全新加坡此时只有三名P型血公民,如果不能在8小时内找到血液,两人都将有性命之虞。潜藏在新加坡的北岛余部迅速展开对P型血人士的追杀,雷泰等人始终落后一步,大B担心女友安危,强迫雷泰与自己合作,而此时,P型血人士只剩最后一名肥波(曾志伟 饰)……
The Red Army will stop at nothing to assassinate the Daka Lama during his visit to Singapore on Nation Day. En route, he meets Ling May, a young woman who shares his horoscope; he tells her that they face a day of danger, and she scoffs at him. In the Singapore airport, both are seriously wounded by terrorists. They have a rare blood type, so if the Red Army can keep blood donors from the hospital, both the monk and Ling will die. The police and Hong Kong anti-terrorist Lui Tai have one hope: to get a cowardly con man to the hospital to give blood before it's too late. The wild card is Ling's hotheaded boy friend, who fears the doctors will ignore her: he kidnaps the blood donor.