尚衣院的剧情介绍,《尚衣院》主要以朝鲜时代为背景,讲诉宫廷中为王和中殿等王室成员制衣的故事,为王制衣的新人天赋异禀,但因为他的性格过于率直引来了王室最高匠人的嫉妒之心,之后两人在宫中展开了明争暗斗。 <br /> 高修饰演虽然在制衣方面具有天赋,但由于天性率直而越过王和王妃们为自己制衣。 <br /> 韩石圭饰演从先王开始就在宫中一直给王制作衣服,是当代最有实力的匠人,但是高修天才般的才能让他渐渐感到绝望。 <br /> 朴信惠饰演的是把对性情冷淡的王的惋惜之情深藏在心中,表面维持着孤傲王妃的身份但另一方面却是位惜才的角色。
The Sanguiwon are responsible for the attire worn by royalty. Dol-Seok (Han Suk-Kyu) is the best master artisan in charge of royal attire. He views set rules as paramount to his job. Kong-Jin (Ko Soo) is a genius like designer, born with dexterity and an excellent sense. He was brought to the palace by nobleman Pan-Soo (Ma Dong-Seok) who first spotted his talent. The King (Yoo Yeon-Seok) and Queen (Park Shin-Hye) then become embroiled in a critical case because of the royal attire made by Dol-Seok and Kong-Jin.
裁缝细意花枝斗。一袭月影,半捧清梦。《尚衣院》月亮惹的祸。韩影 尚衣局。王的心底其实是七封。尚衣院。韩服之美。。匠人的孤独。尚衣院。